

Slovakia has recognised the best farms on our market. In autumn this year, agricultural experts awarded the best Slovak farms for 2018 in the Top Agro competition.

Among the best is also the Hlohovec company Food Farm, which belongs to the portfolio of the SANAGRO group. "Food Farm is ranked 22nd out of the hundred best agro companies on our market. I am very glad that our company has been awarded for the second time in this prestigious competition," says Tomáš Kohút, CEO of SANAGRO Agricultural Group. 

Top Agro is one of the oldest and most important management competitions in the Slovak agri-food complex. The committee evaluates the financial and economic results of companies. It focuses on the profitability of total capital, cost-effectiveness of revenues from economic activity and labour productivity from added value per employee. It assigns a score to all areas based on the companies' performance and the final sum finally results in a winning ranking. Food Farm was ranked 22nd out of 300 with a total score of 208 out of 300. 

Food Farm was also ranked in the list of top-performing agribusinesses for the first time in 2016, at which time it was ranked 92nd. "Significantly better position in the ranking is the result of hard and quality work of our farms' management and employees, who take care of the day-to-day operations despite the not very positive situation in Slovak agriculture," adds Tomáš Kohút, CEO of SANAGRO, which included Food Farm in its portfolio in 2012. 

The Top Agro competition is organized by the Club of Agricultural Journalists under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Chamber of Agriculture and Food. The expert guarantor is the National Agricultural and Food Centre. The competition has been regularly organised since 1995. 

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Advantageous offer for butchers:
Honest beef for only 4,40 € without VAT/kg

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