PD turiec


While the whole world was watching the World Cup with excitement, in the village of Dubové we celebrated the most popular sport in our own way and combined it with a varied accompanying programme, where everyone found "something for everyone" - fans of football, theatre, music and humour, from kindergarteners to pensioners.

On 23 June, the Turiec Agricultural Cooperative, a member of the Sanagro Group, organised an action-packed Day with Mufuza for its employees, friends and residents of the village at the local football stadium in Dubovo.

Mufuza, the Football Miracles Team, composed of Slovak actors, presenters and football-loving athletes, competed against local team Starí páni Dubové (Old Lords of Dubove). The Dubovians were not intimidated by the participation of familiar faces in competitive jerseys, even though they were personalities such as Vladimír Kinder or Tomáš Medveď, and showed top form on the turf.  

The same can be said of the musical guests on the programme. Their "turf" was the stage, where together with the moderator of the event Stan Gális they took care of the perfect atmosphere. Dubovcians were immediately after the football match brought to a boil by the country singer Allan Mikušek and he was replaced by the charming folklore queen Vlasta Mudríková behind the microphone.

The summer evening belonged to world melodies performed by soloists of our first opera scene or musical hits from the performance Mamma Mia, which came to sing live directly from the actors from the Bratislava New Stage. A bit of spice to the genre mix was added by the performances of Tomas Bezdeda, Sam Tomeček, the group Bijouterrier and late at night it was rocked by Suvereno and DJ Robo Majling.

But it wasn't just about music and football. The children were entertained by Šašo Bimbo with his theatre show and their parents were entertained by the guests of the humorous programme Vtipák. Rasto Piško, Ivo Gogál, Igor Krempaský, guitar magician Henry Tóth and world champion in bodybuilding Ľuboš Maliňák came.

If you missed the Day with Mufuza in Dubovo, it's okay. You missed one event, there are others waiting for you. Sanagro actively supports cultural projects all over Slovakia, so see you next time! 

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